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Mounted Terrahex Tire on Havok Wheel (2 pcs) #160513
Mounted Terrahex Tire on Havok Wheel (2 pcs) #160513
- Mounted Terrahex Tire on Havok Wheel (2 pcs) #160513
#160513 - Mounted Terrahex Tire on Havok Wheel (2 pcs)
These fantastic Tredz TerraHex Tires are the standard tires on the HPI Savage X GT-6 and are designed tough but for ultimate agility and handling at ground-shaking speeds.
The Pre-Mounted TerraHex tire features an improved thicker sidewall.
Mounted on #160147 - Havok Wheel Black (3.8inx71mm/2pcs) 17mm Hex Hub sold in pairs.
The HPI Havok wheels are the standard wheels on the Savage X GT-6 These brutally aggressive wheels are molded from tough, high-impact nylon and feature wide 17mm hex hubs for extra durability
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